Other Neighboorhoods
Other Neighborhoods
Finding the right neighborhood in Union, Mecklenburg and the surrounding counties is amazingly easy. If living near the center of the city is your desire or you prefer to live in the country, the owners of Holevas and Holton Custom Home Builders has grown up in the greater Charlotte, NC area. Our vast knowledge of the best neighborhoods in the area is of great value to you in your search for the perfect place to live.
For those how want to escape the business of the city Union County is the perfect escape. Wide open spaces speckled with small farms elegant old world neighborhoods and just enough shopping to provide the conveniences we need. Weddington Hills, Weddington Heights, Sedgefield, Walden on Providence, Walden Pond, Cheatu Lane, are some of the many private neighborhoods that are common in Union County bedroom communities such as; Waxhaw, Weddington, Marvin and Wesley Chapel.
Being as close to the center of North Carolinas most desirable city, Charlotte offers everything you have come to expect in a major city; lavish shopping, fine dining, art galleries, preforming arts, all with charm with the relaxed atmosphere that you would expect in a southern city. Mostly older communities that are perfect for someone who wants to remodel a home with the character of yesteryear. South Park, Myers Park, Blakeney, Piper Glen, Dilworth, Cotswold, are just a few of the Charlotte neighborhoods with a proud and rich history.
Whether you are remodeling or building your home from scratch, allow Holevas and Holton Custom Home Builders to help you find the perfect spot.
It will be our pleasure to serve you, (704) 506-1353